3.2018.01-2019.12,德国亥姆霍兹环境研究中心(Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research),
1.2014.10-2017.12,德国德累斯顿工业大学(Technical University of Dresden),环境系统科学,博士。
2.2011.09-2014.09,德国斯图加特大学(University of Stuttgart),水资源管理和水利工程,硕士。
3. 国际期刊审稿人:Water Resources Research, Journal of Hydrology, Science of Total Environment, Frontiers in Marine
Science, Water Resource Management, Environmental Research, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, Critical
Reviews in Biotechnology等
2021.4- 2024.3,主持;
9.能源转型过程中地热问题及其对环境的影响(ANGUS Ⅱ),德国经济能源部项目,2013-2018,参与。
1. Fang Yunhai, Zheng Tianyuan*, Wang Huan et al. (2021). “Experimental and numerical evidence on the influence of tidal activity on the effectiveness of subsurface dams”. Journal of Hydrology,603(4):127149.
2. Sun Qiguo, Zheng Tianyuan*, Zheng Xilai et al. (2021). “Effectiveness and comparison of physical barriers on seawater intrusion and nitrate accumulation in upstream aquifers”. Journal of contaminant hydrology, 243(11):103913.
4. Yu Lu, Zheng Tianyuan*, Hao Yujie et al. (2021). “Determination of the nitrogen isotope enrichment factor associated with ammonification and nitrification in unsaturated soil at different temperatures”. Environmental Research, 202: 111670.
5. Gao Mingpeng, Zheng Tianyuan*, Chang Qinpeng et al. (2021). “Effects of mixed physical barrier on residual saltwater removal and groundwater discharge in coastal aquifers”. Hydrological Processes, 35(7): e14263.
6. Fang Yunhai, Zheng Tianyuan*, Zheng Xilai* et al. (2021). “Influence of Tide Induced Unstable Flow on Seawater Intrusion and Submarine Groundwater Discharge”. Water Resources Research, 57(4): e2020WR029038.
7. Zheng Tianyuan, Zheng Xilai*, Chang Qinpeng* et al. (2021). “Timescale and effectiveness of residual saltwater desalinization behind subsurface dams in an unconfined aquifer.” Water Resources Research 57(2): e2020WR028493.
8. Zhang Bo, Zheng Tianyuan*, Zheng Xilai* et al. (2021). “Utilization of pit Lake on the cleaning process of residual saltwater in unconfined coastal aquifers”. Science of The Total Environment,770(7): 144670.
9. Chang Qinpeng, Zheng Tianyuan*, Chen Youyuan* et al. (2020). “Influence of inland freshwater influx on the natural Desalination of coastal aquifers with a cutoff wall”. Desalination, 499: 114863.
10.Fang Yunhai, Zheng Tianyuan*, Xilai Zheng* et al. (2020). “Assessment of the hydrodynamics role for groundwater quality using an integration of GIS, water quality index and multivariate statistical techniques”. Journal of Environmental Management, 273: 111185.
11. Chang Qinpeng, Zheng Tianyuan*, Chen Youyuan* et al. (2020). “Investigation of the elevation of saltwater wedge due to subsurface dams”. Hydrological Processes, 34(22): 4251-4261.
12. Zheng Tianyuan, Zheng Xilai*, Sun Qiguo* et al. (2020). “Insights of variable permeability full-section wall for enhanced control of seawater intrusion and nitrate contamination in unconfined aquifers”. Journal of Hydrology,586: 124831.
13. Yuan Ruyu, Zheng Tianyuan*, Zheng Xilai et al. (2020). “Identification of groundwater nitrate pollution sources in agricultural area using PCA and SIAR methods”. Episodes, 43(2): 739-749.
14. Wang Huan, Xin Jia*, Zheng Xilai*, Li Min, Fang Yunhai, Zheng Tianyuan. (2020). “Clogging evolution in porous media under the coexistence of suspended particles and bacteria: Insights into the mechanisms and implications for groundwater recharge”. Journal of Hydrology, 582(12): 124554.
15. Yu Lu, Zheng Tianyuan*, Zheng Xilai* et al.(2020). “Nitrate source apportionment in groundwater using Bayesian isotope mixing model based on nitrogen isotope fractionation”. Science of The Total Environment, 718: 137242.
16. Li Min, Zheng Tianyuan*, Zhang Jian et al. (2019). “A New Risk Assessment System Based on Set Pair Analysis – Variable Fuzzy Sets for Underground Reservoirs.” Water Resources Management, 33(1): 4997-5014.
17. Wang Leyun, Xin Jia*, Nai Hui, Zheng Tianyuan, Tian Feifei, Zheng Xilai*. (2019). “A New Risk Assessment System Based on Set Pair Analysis – Variable Fuzzy Sets for Underground Reservoirs.” Science of The Total Environment, 712(3): 135502.
18. Hu Rongting, Zheng Xilai, Zheng Tianyuan* et al. (2019). “Effects of carbon availability in a woody carbon source on its nitrate removal behavior in solid-phase denitrification.” Journal of Environmental Management, 246(246):832-839.
19. Zheng Tianyuan, Xilai Zheng*, Huan Wang* et al. (2019). “Innovative techniques for measuring the oil content of oil-contaminated porous media”. Groundwater Monitoring & Remediation, 39(3): 78-83.
20. Chang Qinpeng, Zheng Tianyuan*, Zheng Xilai* et al. (2019). “Effect of subsurface dams on saltwater intrusion and fresh groundwater discharge”. Journal of Hydrology, 576: 508-510.
21. Sun Qiguo, Zheng Tianyuan*, Zheng Xilai* et al. (2019). “Influence of a subsurface cut-off wall on nitrate contamination in an unconfined aquifer”. Journal of Hydrology, 575: 234-243.
22. Zheng Tianyuan, Miao Xing-Yuan*, Naumov Dmitri et al. (2019). “A thermo-hydro-mechanical finite element model with freezing processes in saturated soils”. Environmental Geotechnics. 1-13.
23. Zhang Bo, Zheng Xilai., Zheng Tianyuan* et al. (2019). “The influence of slope collapse on water exchange between a pit lake and a heterogeneous aquifer”. Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering, 13(2): 20.
24. Yu Lu, Wu Xiaoqing, Zheng Xilai*, Zheng Tianyuan* et al. (2019). “An index system constructed for ecological stress assessment of the coastal zone: A case study of Shandong, China.” Journal of Environmental Management, 232: 499-504.
25. Sun Zhaoyue, Zheng Tianyuan*, Xin Jia et al. (2018). “Effects of alkali-treated agricultural residues on nitrate removal and N2O reduction of denitrification in unsaturated soil”. Journal of Environmental Management, 214:276-282.
26. Tang Fenglin, Xin Jia*, Zheng Xilai*, Zheng Tianyuan et al. (2017). “Effect of solution pH on aging dynamics and surface structural evolution of mZVI particles: H2 production and spectroscopic/microscopic evidence”. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 24(17):23538–23548.
27. Hu Rongting, Zheng Xilai*, Xin Jia, Sun Zhaoyue, Zheng Tianyuan. (2017). “Selective enhancement and verification of woody biomass digestibility as a denitrification carbon source”. Bioresource Technology, 244(P1): 313-319.
28. Tang Fenglin, Xin Jia*, Zheng Tianyuan et al. (2017). “Individual and combined effects of humic acid, bicarbonate and calcium on TCE removal kinetics, aging behavior and electron efficiency of mZVI particles”. Chemical Engineering Journal, 324(15):324-335.
29. Miao Xingyuan, Zheng Tianyuan, Uwe-Jens Görke, et al. (2016). “Thermo-mechanical analysis of heat exchanger design for thermal energy storage systems”. Applied Thermal Engineering, 114: 1082-1089.
30. Zheng Tianyuan, Haibing Shao*, Sophie Schelenz et al. (2016). “Efficiency and economic analysis of utilizing latent heat from groundwater freezing in the context of borehole heat exchanger coupled ground source heat pump systems”. Applied Thermal Engineering, 105: 314-326.
31. Zheng Xilai*, Zhang Junjie, Zheng Tianyuan et al. (2014). “A developed technique for measuring water content in oil-contaminated porous media”. Environmental Earth Sciences, 71(3): 1349–1356.
32. Chen Lei, Zheng Tianyuan, Zhang Junjie et al. (2014). “Effective control of modified palygorskite to NH4+−N release from sediment”. Environmental Technology, 35: 60-69.
33. 于璐, 郑天元, 郑西来. 地下水硝酸盐污染源解析及氮同位素分馏效应研究进展[J].现代地质:1-17.
34. 孙昭玥, 郑西来, 郑天元*, 栾永霞, 辛佳. 土壤包气带强化反应层脱氮的控制因素与性能研究, 地学前缘, 2021, 28(05): 136-145.
35. 郑天元, 杨俊杰, 李永霞, 等. 柴油污染土的工程性质试验研究[J]. 工程勘察, 2013 (1): 1-4.
36. 郑天元, 杨俊杰, 刘江娇, 等. 石油污染土的击实特性[J]. 水文地质工程地质, 2010, 37(3): 102-106.
4. OpenGeoSys6(OGS6)热学模块,
5. OpenGeoSys6(OGS6)热流耦合模块,
6. OpenGeoSys6(OGS6)流固耦合模块,
7. OpenGeoSys6(OGS6)热流固耦合模块,
https ://github.com/ufz/ogs/tree/master/ProcessLib/ThermoHydroMechanics
8. 郑天元,郭波,多尺度多相流模拟软件,Hybrid framework coupling dynamic reconstruction model and full dimensional model,
1. Vogel, Peter., Massmann, Jobst., Zheng, Tianyuan et al. (2017). ”THM Process” Thermo-Hydro- Mechanical-Chemical Processes in Fractured Porous Media: Modelling and Benchmarking - From Benchmarking to Tutoring, 229-260.
2. Magri, Fabian., Cacace, Mauro., Fischer, Thomas., Naumov, Dmitri., Wang, Wengqing., Watanabe, Norihiro., Zheng, Tianyuan et al. (2017). ”HT Process” Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical-Chemical Processes in Fractured Porous Media: Modelling and Benchmarking - From Benchmarking to Tutoring, 163-178.
3. Shao, Hua., Zheng, Tianyuan et al. (2016). ”Thermal Process” Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical-Chemical Processesin Fractured Porous Media: Modelling and Benchmarking, 15-.
1. 2021年,“滨海地下水源地海水入侵防治关键技术及其工程应用”,山东省科技进步二等奖,第三位。