







Email: taowang@ouc.edu.cn

Google scholar主页:https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=CNaAaf4AAAAJ&hl=zh-CN




2010/9 - 2016/6:中国海洋大学,物理海洋学,理学博士

2013/11- 2015/11:美国伍兹霍尔海洋研究所,物理海洋学,联合培养

2006/9 - 2010/6:中国海洋大学,海洋科学,理学学士


2019/6 -今:中国海洋大学,环境科学与工程学院,“青年英才工程”,副教授


2016/9 -2019/6:河海大学,海洋学院,讲师


1. 海洋动力过程(环流与混合等)对物质输运(包括溢油、微塑料等污染物以及营养盐、叶绿素等生态


2. 海洋中小尺度动力过程(锋面、内波等)的机制研究。




1. Asia-Pacific Network for Global Change Research: Impacts of river plume fronts on the distribution and the               fate of plastic debris based on high-resolution observations and implications for waste recovery, 2021.10-                         2023.10,中方负责人。

        2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:黄河近河口羽流多锋面结构的生成机制及其引起的湍流混合研究           42076006),2021.1-2024.12,主持。

        3. 中国海洋大学青年英才启动经费,河口冲淡水锋面的次中尺度动力过程研究2019.6-2021.12,主        持

        4. 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目:河口交换流对径流变化的响应机制研究41706002),2018.1-                    2020.12,主持(已结题)。

        5. 卫星海洋环境动力学国家重点实验室青年海星学者项目:基于BGC-Argo的海洋内部营养盐垂向输运的      研究(QNHX1815),2018.1-2019.12,主持(已结题)。

        6. 江苏省自然科学基金青年基金项目:河口环流与盐度混合的关系研究BK21070864),2017.7-            


        7. 中国博士后科学基金面上项目:海洋数值模型中数值混合的诊断方法研究2017M620186),2017.7-             2019.6,主持(已结题)。

        8. 国家重点研发计划项目课题:研究本项目研发的新参数化方案的适定性(2017YFA0604104),2017.7-          2022.6,参加。



Journal of Physical Oceanography, Journal of Geophysical Research等多个海洋动力学领域国际主流期刊审稿人。



1. Wang T., F. Chai, X. Xing, J. Ning, W. S. Jiang and S. Riser (2021), Influence of multi-scale dynamics on the vertical nitrate distribution around the Kuroshio Extension: An investigation based on BGC-Argo and satellite data, Progress in Oceanography, 193, 102543.

2. Wang T., R. Barkan, J. C. McWilliams, and J. Molemaker (2021), Structure of submesoscale fronts of the Mississippi River plume, Journal of Physical Oceanography, 51, 1113-1131.

3. Wang T., Z. X. Wei, W. S. Jiang, T. F. Xu, J.-L. Chen, and C. W. Bian (2021), Quantification of numerical mixing in coastal ocean models through an offline method, Ocean Engineering, 222, 108588.

4. Wang T., and W. R. Geyer (2018), The balance of salinity variance in a partially stratified estuary: implications for exchange flow, mixing and stratification, Journal of Physical Oceanography, 48, 2887-2899.

5. Wang T., W. R. Geyer, and P. MacCready (2017), Total exchange flow, entrainment and diffusive salt flux in estuaries, Journal of Physical Oceanography, 47(5), 1205-1220.

6. Wang T., W. R. Geyer,P. Engel, W. Jiang, and S. Z. Feng (2015), Mechanisms of tidal oscillatory salt transport in a partially stratified estuary, Journal of Physical Oceanography, 45, 2773-2789.

7. Wang T., W. Jiang, X. Chen and S. Z. Feng (2013), Acquisition of the tide-induced Lagrangian residual current field by the PIV technique in laboratory, Ocean Dynamics, 63, 1181-1188.

8. Wang T., X. Chen, and W. Jiang (2012), Laboratory experiments on the generation of internal waves on two kinds of continental margin, Geophysical Research Letters, 39, L04602.


9. Chen G., C. Kuang, Y. Wang, T. Wang, and C. Bian (2021), Cross-shelf sediment transport in the Yangtze Delta frontal zone: Insights from field observations, Journal of Marine Systems, 103559.

10. Zhou Z., C. Bian, S. Chen, Z. Li, W. Jiang, T. Wang, and R. Bi (2020), Sediment concentration variations in the East China Seas over multiple timescales indicated by satellite observations, Journal of Marine Systems, 103430.

11. Wang J., T. Wang, F. Xing, H. Wu, J. Jia, Z. Yang, and Y. Wang (2020), Internal waves triggered by river mouth shoals in the Yangtze River Estuary, Ocean Engineering, 214, 107828.

12. Bian C., X. Liu, Z. Zhou, Z. Chen, T. Wang, and Y. Gu (2020), Calculation of winds induced bottom wave orbital velocity using the Empirical Mode Decomposition method, Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 37, 889-900.

13. Zhong W., J. Zhang, M. Steele, J. Zhao, and T. Wang (2019), Episodic extrema of surface stress energy input to the western Arctic Ocean contributed to step changes of freshwater content in the Beaufort Gyre, Geophysical Research Letters, 39, L084652.

14. Liao G., X. Xu, C. Dong, H. Chao, and T. Wang (2019), Three-Dimensional Baroclinic Eddies in the Ocean. Part I: Evolution, Propagation, Overall Structures, and Angular Models, Journal of Physical Oceanography, 49, 2571-2599.

15. Feng J., D. Li, T. Wang, Q. Liu, L. Deng, and L. Zhao (2019), Acceleration of the extreme sea level rise along the Chinese coast, Earth and Space Science, 6, 1942-1956.

16. Ning J., Q. Xu, T. Feng, H. Zhang, and T. Wang (2019), Upper ocean response to two sequential tropical cyclones over the Northwestern Pacific Ocean, Remote Sensing, 11, 2431.

17. Zhao S., T. Wang, L. Zhu, P. Xu, X. Wang, L. Gao, and D. Li* (2019), Analysis of suspended microplastics in the Changjiang Estuary: Implications for riverine plastic load to the ocean, Water Research, 161, 560-569.

18. Ning J., Q. Xu, H. Zhang, T. Wang, and K. Fan (2019), Impact of Cyclonic Ocean Eddies on Upper Ocean Thermodynamic Response to Typhoon SoudelorRemote Sensing, 11, 938.

19. Hu Z., Y. Qi, X. He, Y. Wang, D. Wang, X. Cheng, X. Liu, and T. Wang (2019), Characterizing surface circulation in the Taiwan Strait during NE monsoon from Geostationary Ocean Color Imager, Remote Sensing of Environment, 221, 287-294.

20. Chen, Y., W. Jiang, X. Chen,T. Wangand C. Bian (2017), Laboratory experiment on the 3D tide-induced Lagrangian residual current using the PIV technique,Ocean Dynamics, 67, 1567-1576.

21. Bian, C., W. Jiang, Q. Quan, T. Wang, and R. J. Greatbatch (2013), Distributions of suspended sediment concentration in the Yellow Sea and the East China Sea based on field surveys during the four seasons of 2011,Journal of Marine Systems, 121, 24-35.

22. Yang, W., L. Zhao,, P. Xu, J. Feng, T.Wang, Q.Quan, and W. Jiang (2013), Estimates of reynolds stress and TKE production in the seasonally stratified East China Sea, Journal of Ocean University of China, vol. 12, No.4, 549-556.