









E-mail 地址: qiaolulu126@sina.com


1. 学习经历



澳大利亚新南威尔士大学, 沉积动力学联合培养,2007.09 -2008.04

2. 工作简历



3. 现今学术兼职

《海洋与湖沼》、《海洋工程》、《中国海洋大学学报(自然科学版)》、《Estuarine Coastal Shelf Science》审稿人


12011年国家科学技术进步奖二等奖“海洋仪器海上试验与作业基础平台若干关键技术及应用”, 本人位次11/15




5. 主持的重要科研项目








1. 学科方向:沉积动力学

2. 近期研究兴趣:





1. 论文收录情况:发表论文30余篇,参与出版专著2部,

2. 代表性文章列举如下:

[1]. QIAO Lulu*, HUANG Lingling, WANG Zhen, YAO Zhigang, LIU Shidong, 2016. Flux and its seasonal variation of suspended particulate matters in the Bohai Sea, Yellow Sea and East China Sea. Geological Journal, DOI:10.1002/gj.2803.

[2]. Luli Qiao, Yi Zhong, Nan Wang*, Ke Zhao, Lingling Huan, Zhen Wang, 2016. Seasonal transportation and deposition of the suspended sediments in the Bohai Sea and Yellow Sea and the related mechanisms. Ocean Dynamics, DOI:10.1007/s10236-016-0950-2

[3]. Fei Gao, Luli Qiao, Guangxue Li*, 2016. Winter meso-scale shear front in the Yellow Sea and its sedimentary effects. J. Ocean Univ. China 15(1), 50-56.

[4]. Liang, S. Pearson, W. Wu, Y. Ma, L. Qiao, X. H. Wang, J. Li; X. Wang, 2015, Research and integrated coastal zone management in rapidly developing estuarine harbours: a review to inform sustainment of functions in Jiaozhou Bay, China. Ocean & Coastal Management. 116, 470-477.

[5]. Shidong Liu, Luli Qiao*, Guangxue Li, Jianchao Li, Nan Wang, Jichao Yang, 2015. Distribution and cross-front transport of suspended particulate matter over the inner shelf of the East China Sea. Continental Shelf Research,107: 92–102.

[6]. Ke Zhao, Luli Qiao*, Jinghao Shi, Shufeng He, Guangxue Li, Ping Yin, 2015. Evolution of sedimentary dynamic environment in the western Jiaozhou Bay, Qingdao, China in the last 30 years. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science, 163:244-253.

[7]. DAI Yanchen, QIAO Lulu*, XU Jishang, ZHOU Chunyan, DING DongBI Wei,2015. Estimation of extreme marine hydrodynamic variables in western Laizhou Bay. J. Ocean Univ. China,14(3): 425-432.

[8]. Olusegun A. Dada, Luli Qiao, Dong Ding, Guangxue Li*, Yanyan Ma, LinmiaoWang 2015. Evolutionary trends of the Niger Delta Shoreline during the last 100 years: Responses to rainfall and river discharge. Marine Geology, 367:202-211.

[9]. WANG Nan, LI Guangxue*, XU Jishang, QIAO Lulu, DADA Olusegun A. and ZHOU Chunyan, 2015. The Marine Dynamics and Changing Trend off the Modern Yellow River Mouth, J. Ocean Univ. China,14(3):433-445.

[10]. LI Jianchao, LI Guangxue*, XU Jishang, QIAO Lulu, DONG Ping, DING Dong, LIU Shidong, and SUN Pingkuo, 2015. Seasonal Suspended Particles Distribution Patterns in Western South Yellow Sea Based on Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler Observation. J. Ocean Univ. China,14(3):385-398.

[11]. Guangxue Li*, Pin Li, Yong Liu, Luli Qiao, Yanyan Ma, Jishang Xu, Zigeng Yang. 2014. Sedimentary system response to the global sea level change in the East China Seas since the last glacial maximum. Earth Science Reviews 139: 390-405.

[12]. Pin Li, Guangxue Li, Luli Qiao, Xueen Chen, Jinghao Shi, Fei Gao, Nan Wang, Shuhong Yue . Modeling the tidal dynamic changes induced by the bridge in Jiaozhou Bay, Qingdao, China. Continental Shelf Research, 2014,84:43-53.

[13]. QIAO Lulu*, WANG X.H, WANG Y.Z., WU D.X., BAO X.W., MU Lin. Winter heat budget in the Huanghai Sea and the effect from Huanghai Sea Warm Current. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 201130 (5):56-63.

[14]. QIAO Lulu*, LIU Yong, CHEN Jiaojie, MA Yanyan, LI Guangxue, SONG Jun. Distribution and its mechanism of suspended particulate matters in the southern Huanghai Sea and the East China Sea in summer. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 201130 (5):94-100.

[15]. L. L. Qiao*Y.Z.Wang, G.X.Li, S.G.Deng, Y.Liu and L. Mu. Distribution of suspended particulate matter in the northern Bohai Bay in summer and its relation with thermocline. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science , 2011,93 (3): 212-219.

[16]. L. L. Qiao, X. W. Bao, D. X. Wu and X. H. Wang*. Numerical Study of Generation of the Tidal Shear Front off the Yellow River Mouth. Continental Shelf Research, 2008, 28(14):1782-1790.

[17]. L. L. Qiao*, X. W. Bao and D. X. Wu. The observed currents in summer in the Bohai Sea. Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, 2008, 26(2):130-136.

[18]. SONG Jun*, GUO Junru, QIAO Lulu, MU Lin, YAO Zhigang, LIU Yang, LI Huan, BAO Xianwen, SUN Xiaoyan, GAO Jia. Vertical structure and seasonal variation of tidal and residual currents in the northern Huanghai Sea. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 201130 (5):14-22.

[19]. LI Zhen, BAO Xianwen, WANG Yongzhi, LI Na and QIAO Lulu, Seasonal distribution and relationship of water mass and suspended load in North Yellow Sea, Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology , 2009, 27(4), 907-918.

[20]. 李爱超,乔璐璐*,万修全,马伟伟,2016. 渤海海峡悬浮体分布、通量及其季节变化.海洋与湖沼,待刊。

[21]. 王震,乔璐璐*,王云飞,2016.卫星遥感反演东中国海表层悬浮体浓度研究进展. 沉积学报,待刊。

[22]. 仲毅,乔璐璐*,王震,李建超,刘世东,赵科,2016. 南黄海中部悬浮体垂直分布及其季节变化.海洋与湖沼,待刊。

[23]. 乔璐璐*,史经昊,高飞,印萍,李建超. 我国陆架泥质区沉积动力数值模拟研究进展. 海洋地质与第四纪地质,2014,343):155-166.

[24]. 王勇智,乔璐璐*,杨作升,赵美训. 近岸强海流切变锋作用下悬浮沉积物的输送和沉积——以山东半岛东端外海为例,沉积学报,2013, 313):9-19.

[25]. 李建超,乔璐璐,李广雪,刘勇,马妍妍,刘玲. 基于LISST数据的冬季南黄海悬浮体分布. 海洋地质与第四纪地质,2013335):13-25.

[26]. 王勇智,乔璐璐,杨作升,鲍献文. 夏、冬季山东半岛东部沿岸悬浮物输送机制的初步研究,泥沙研究,2012,5:49-57.

[27]. 王勇智,乔璐璐,鲍献文,李真. 夏季北黄海水体浊度分布特征的初步研究,中国海洋大学学报(自然科学版),2012426):1-8.

[28]. 王勇智,谷东起,王文海,乔璐璐. 唐山湾潟湖沙坝海域表层沉积物粒级及分布特征,中国海洋大学学报(自然科学版),2012,42sup):131-136.

[29]. 高飞,李广雪,乔璐璐. 山东半岛近海潮汐及潮汐、潮流能的数值评估,中国海洋大学学报,20124212):91-96.

[30]. 朱学明,鲍献文,宋德海,乔璐璐,黄必桂,石新刚. 渤、黄、东海潮汐、潮流的数值模拟与研究,海洋与湖沼,2012436):1103-1113..

[31]. 王勇智,乔璐璐*,鲍献文. 黄海暖流动力及沉积过程研究,中国海洋大学学报,201141,增刊:1-6.

[32]. 乔璐璐*,李广雪,邓声贵,刘勇,牟林. 夏季渤海湾中北部悬浮体分布,海洋地质与第四纪地质,2010303),23-30.

[33]. 鲍献文,宋军,姚志刚,乔璐璐,鲍敏,万凯. 北黄海潮流、余流垂直结构及其季节变化。中国海洋大学学报,2010, 40(11):11-18.

[34]. 乔璐璐*,刘容子,鲍献文,李真. 经济增长下的渤海环境容量预测,中国人口、资源与环境,2008, 18(102): 76-81

[35]. 乔璐璐*,鲍献文,吴德星. 渤海夏季实测潮流特征,海洋工程,2006, 24(2): 45-52







