

彭昌盛,男,197210月生,博士,博士生导师,教育部新世纪优秀人才。中国力学学会会员,美国化学学会会员,山东环境科学学会会员,墨西哥国家1级研究员,Science  Journals International 编委会委员,青岛市侨联青年委员。


Name: Changsheng Peng

Birth: Anhui, China, 27 of Oct., 1972

Add: College of Environmental Science and Engineering,  

Ocean University of China, Qingdao 266100, P.R.  China

Telephone+86-532-66782011(office)  Fax+86-532-66782011




04/2003  Doctor,  University of Science and  Technology Beijing, China


07/1996  Master,  China University of Mining and Technology, China


07/1993  Bachelor, Anhui University of Science  and Technology, China



01/2009  Visiting Professor, Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí,  Mexico


Professor, Ocean  University of China, China


04/2005  Postdoctoral, Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí,  Mexico


12/1996  Visiting Investigator,  National Institute of Industrial Engineering, Japan


08/1999   Engineer, Hangzhou Environmental  Protection Institute, China


·Member of  American Chemical Society (No.30056532)

·National  Investigator of Mexico  (No.32566) http://www.conacyt.mx/SNI/Publica_Resultados_2da.pdf

·Review Board of  Science Journals International http://www.scientificjournals.org/editorial_board.htm

·Member of The  Chinese Society of Theoreticaland Applied Mechanics

·Senior Member of  Shandong Society for Environmental Sciences(No. S293720095S)


·11/200911th Tiantai Award for Talented Teachers  

·01/2009New Century Excellent Talents in University  in 2008, SEM, China

·12/2008Excellent People of Qingdao from  Overseas

·06/2007Good Teacher in Teaching Evaluation in  2006


·Electroplating wastewater treatment with the technology of  chemical- electrodialysis(02153847.6)

·The method and  equipment of pure water preparation using the technology  of Electrodeionization(ZL02153843.3)

·A Method  for Heavy Metals Recovery fromElectroplating Sludge  (200910016243.3)

·Copper  Wastewater Treatment by Combinationof Electrolysis and Electrodialysis  (200910015568.X)

·A  newthief-proof lock for bicycle  (ZL98219738.1)

·Abullet-proof  lamp for vehicle (ZL98 2 12140.7)

·A kind  oftechnology named selective permeable reactive barrier which can be used  forseawater intrusion treatment  (201210064131.7)

·Solartemperature controlling digester  (201210055393.7)

·A methodwhich  can make the nitrate pollution groundwater into a useful resource  (201210055421.5)

·A methodwhich  can prevent nitrate pollution to groundwater  (201210096380.4)



  1. Changsheng  Peng*, Ruijie Jin,Guangyu Li ,  Fasheng Li, Qingbao Gu, Recovery of nickel and water fromwastewater with  electrochemical combination process, Separation andPurification Technology,  2014, 136:42-49.

  2. Min Dai,  Changshang Peng*, Wei Zheng, JialaiWang, Xin Qian, Exploration  for the Technology of Tradition Building Materialsand Consolidation Mechanism,  Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2014, 548-549:  1689.

  3. ChangSheng  Peng*, Juan O. Almeira,Qingbao  Gu, Effect of electrode conguration on pH distribution and heavy metalions  migration during soil electrokinetic remediation, Environmental EarthSciences,  2013, 69: 257-265.

  4. Changsheng  Peng*, Juan O.Almeira, Ahmed  Abou-Shady, Enhancement of ion migration in porous media by theuse of varying  electric fields, Separation and Purification Technology, 2013,  118: 591–597.

  5. Wang Jing, Peng  Changsheng*, Yang Zhongfu, LiDandan, Wu Yuting, Adsorption and  regeneration characteristics of granularadsorbent based on coal fly ash for  methylene blue removal, Advanced MaterialsResearch, 2013, 773:  899-906.

  6. Liyan Wang, MianWang,  Changsheng Peng*, Jinfen Pan, Toxic Effects of Nano-CuO, Micro-CuO and  Cu2+on Chlorella sp., Journal of Environmental Protection,  2013, 4: 86-91.

  7. Ahmed Abou-Shady,  Changsheng Peng*, New process for exsitu electrokinetic  pollutant removal. I: Process evaluation, Journal ofIndustrial and Engineering  Chemistry, 2012,18: 2162–2176.

  8. Juan O. Almeira,  Chang-Sheng Peng*, Ahmed Abou-Shady,Simultaneous removal of  cadmium from kaolin and catholyte during soilelectrokinetic remediation,  Desalination,2012, 300: 1-11.

  9. Juan O. Almeira,  Chang-Sheng Peng*, Ahmed Abou-Shady,Enhancement of ion  transport in porous media by the use of a continuouslyreoriented electric field,  Journal of Zhejiang University-Science A (AppliedPhysics & Engineering),  2012,13(7): 546-558.

  10. Ruijie Jin,  Changsheng Peng*, Ahmed Abou-Shady,Kedong Zhang, Recovery of  precious metal material Ni from nickel containingwastewater using electrolysis,  Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2012, 164: 263-267.

  11. You Zhang,  Changsheng Peng*, Fengmin Li, Study onoptimal circulation  dynamic system and feasibility analysis for a solar biogasdigester, Applied  Mechanics and Materials, 2012,164: 482-486.

  12. Ahmed Abou-Shady,  Changsheng Peng*, Jingjing Bi, HuizhenXu, Juan Almeria O,  Recovery of Pb (II) and removal of NO3from aqueous  solutions using integrated electrodialysis, electrolysis, andadsorption process,  Desalination, 2012,286: 304-315.

  13. Ahmed Abou-Shady,  Changsheng Peng*, Juan Almeria O,Huizhen Xu, Effect of pH on  separation of Pb (II) and NO3from aqueous solutions using  electrodialysis, Desalination, 2012, 285: 46-53.

  14. Changsheng  Peng, Yanyan Liu,Jingjing Bi,  Huizhen Xu, Abou-Shady Ahmed, Recovery of copper and water  fromcopper-electroplating wastewater by the combination process of electrolysis  andelectrodialysis, Journal of Hazardous Materials,  2011,189(3):814-820.

  15. Li, P. P., Peng  C. S., Li, F. M., Song S. X.,  Juan A. O., Copper and Nickel Recoveryfrom Electroplating Sludge by the Process  of Acid-leaching andElectro-depositing, Int. J. Environ. Res.,  2011,5(3): 797-804.

  16. Jingjing Bi,  Changsheng Peng*, Huizhen Xu,Abou-Shady Ahmed, Removal of  nitrate from groundwater using the technology ofelectrodialysis and  electrodeionization, Desalination and Water Treatment, 2011,  34: 394–401.

  17. Qingbao Gu,  Changsheng Peng, Qian Zhang, FashengLi, Growth effect and  accumulation of As on / in two vegetables in three typesof Chinese soil,  Advanced Materials Research, 2011, 347-353:048-2053.

  18. Juan Almeira,  Changsheng Peng,*, Panpan Li, Effect ofelectrode configuration  on the distribution of Cu during electrokinetic soilremediation. Journal of  Korean Society of Urban Environment, 2010, 10(2):  169-177.

  19. Juan Almeira,  Changsheng Peng,*, Zhenyu Wang, Effectof different electrode  configurations on the migration of copper ions duringthe electrokinetic  remediation process, Asia-Pac.J. Chem. Eng., 2009,  4(5)581-585.

  20. Peng Changsheng,  Simulationof Minimum Ice  Structure Unit and Quantitive Analysis of Its Effect on WaterProperties,  Acta Chimica Sinica, 2009,  67(16):1936-1942.

  21. Peng  Changsheng, Low G. Kathleen,Zhang  Qian, Effects of Water Salinity and Content on Particle Size Distributionand  Soil Strength. J.Environ.Sci.Eng.,2009, 3(1):  24-28.

  22. PengChangsheng, Song Shaoxian, Simulation of minimum ice  unit and its effect onwater properties, Surface Review  andLetters, 2008, 15(6): 841-846.

  23. Shaoxian Song, Changsheng  Peng, Viscosities of Binary and Ternary Mixtures ofWater, Alcohol,  Acetone, and Hexane, Journalof Dispersion Science and Technology,  2008,29(5):1367-1372.

  24. ChangshengPeng, Hong Meng, Application of activated zeolite in theadvanced treatment  of potable water, J.Water Supply:Res.& Techn.,  2007,56(4): 257-262.

  25. ChangshengPeng, Qingbao Gu, Hong Meng, Shaoxian Song,  Effect of hydration film onscanning images of atomic force microscope.  J.Uni. Sci. Techn. Beijing,2006, 13(1):  92-96.

  26. ChangshengPeng, Shaoxian Song, Tomlinson Fort, Study of  Hydration Layers near aHydrophilic Surface in Water through AFM Imaging.  Surface and Interface Analysis, 2006, 38(8):  975-980.

  27. S. Song, A.Valdivieso, D.Campos, C  Peng, M. Fernandez, I.R.-Soto, Arsenic Elimination from a High-Arsenic  Water by Coagulation withFerric Ions and Coarse Calcite. Water Research, 2006, 40(2):  364-372.

  28. PengChangsheng, Song Shaoxian, Gu Qingbao, Determination  ofhydration film thickness using atomic force microscopy. Chinese Science  Bulletin, 2005,50(4): 299-304.

  29. PengChang-sheng, Song Shao-xian, Gu Qing-bao, Effect  ofSolvation Film on the Viscosity of Colloidal Dispersions. Chinese Journal  of Chemistry, 2005,23(5): 603-607.

  30. ChangshengPeng, Shaoxian Song, Shouci Lu, Determination of  the Solvation FilmThickness of Dispersed Particles with the Method of Einstein  ViscosityEquation. J. Uni. Sci. and Techn. Beijing, 2005,  12(4): 370-375.

  31. Qingbao Gu, Changsheng  Peng, Fasheng Li, Shaoxian Song,, Jiantai Wang,Treatment of Oily  Wastewater Through Bed coalescence Using a New FilterMaterial Prepared from Oil  Sludge. EnvironmentalEngineering Science, 2005,22(4):  472-478.

  32. S. Song, C. Peng, M. A. G.  Olivares, A. Lopez-Valdiviesob, T. Fort, Study onHydration Layers near Nanoscale  Silica Dispersed in Aqueous Solutions throughViscosity Measurement. Journal  of Colloidand Interface Science, 2005,287: 114-120.  

  33. Song Shaoxian, Peng  Changsheng, Thickness of Solvation Layers on Nano-scale SilicaDispersed  in Water and Ethanol. Journalof Dispersion Science and Technology,  2005,26(2): 197-201.

  34. C.Peng, H. Meng, S. Song,A. Lopez-Valdivieso, Secondary potential  inelectrodialysis membranes and the effect on permselectivity. Journal of  Colloid and Interface Science,2004, 273:  256-261.

  35. ChangshengPeng, HongMeng, ShaoxianSong,  Shouci Lu, Alejandro Lopez-Valdivieso, Elimination of Cr(VI) fromElectroplating  Wastewater by Electrodialysis Following Chemical Precipitation. Separation  Science and Technology, 2004, 39(7): 1501-1517.

  36. ChangshengPeng, Shaoxian Song, Determination of Thickness  of Hydration Layers onMica in Aqueous Solutions by Using AFM. SurfaceReview  and Letters, 2004, 11(6):485-489.

  37. Meng Hong, Peng Changsheng,  Song Shaoxian, Deng Dayao, Electro-regenerationMechanism of Ion-exchange Resins  in Electrodeionization. Surface Review and  Letters,2004, 11(6): 599-605.

  38. C.Peng, S.Song, S. Lu,  A.Lopez-Valdivieso, Electroplating wastewater treatment through  chemicalprecipitation and electrodialysis. EuropeanJ. Min. Proc. &  Environ. Protection, 2004, 4 (3): 235-240.

  39. Changsheng  Peng,Hong Meng, Jinglai  Zhang, Shouci Lu, Treatmentof electroplating wastewater.  Journal of University of Science and Technology Beijing,  2003, 10(1): 8-11.

  40. Meng Hong, Peng Changsheng,Lu Shouci, Wangsanfan, Study on the permselectivity  of ion exchange membrane. Rare Metals, 2002, 21(4):  243-249.


      1. MA Lei, Peng Changsheng*,  Wang Xianming, Yu Yang, YU Hongjun, XU Xingyong,The influencing of pressure and  amount of montmorillonite on swelling behaviorof synthetic  montmorillonite/sodium polyacrylate super- absorbent, Periodicalof Ocean  University of China, 2013,43: 70-76.

      2. Yuan Huiping, Peng  Changsheng*, Wang Zhenyu, Treatment of rural sewage using ananaerobic  baffled reactor combined with biological contact oxidation process, Technologyof  water treatment, 2012, 38: 91-95.

      3. MA Lei, Peng Changsheng*,  Fan Chao, XU Xingyong, YU Hongjun, The influenceof hydrochemistry on the  swelling of montmorillonite, Periodical of OceanUniversity of China,  2011, 41: 379-385.

      4. ChangshengPeng*, Qingbao Gu, Panpan Li, Ruijie Jin, Heavy  Metals Recovery fromElectroplating Sludge by Multi-Steps of Electrodepositing  and Precipitating, ScientificJournal of Frontier Chemical Development,  2011,1:9-20.

      5. CHEN Guang-quan, XU Xing-yong, PENG  Chang-sheng,YU Hong-jun, SU Qiao, Assessment of  seawater intrusion disasterrisk in LaizhouBay, Journalof Natural  Disasters, 2010,19(2): 103-112.

      6. Li Pan-pan, Peng  Chang-sheng*, Recovery Technology of Copper and Nickel  fromElectroplating Sludge---Copper and Nickel Recovery with Electrolysis,  Plating and Finishing, 2010, 32(2): 39-43.

      7. Li Pan-pan, Peng  Chang-sheng*, Recovery Technology of Copper and Nickel  fromElectroplating Sludge -Acid-leaching Process of Electroplating Sludge,  Plating and Finishing, 2010, 32(1): 37-40.

      8. BI Jing-jing, PENG  Chang-sheng, XU Hui-zhe, Review of Research on GroundwaterNitrate  Pollution and Its Removal, Groundwater,2010, 32(1):  97-102.

      9. Liu Yan-yan, Peng  Chang-sheng*, Treatment of Copper Containing Wastewater  UsingElectrolysis and Electrodialysis Combination Technique, Plating and  Finishing, 2009,31(4): 34-39.

      10. Tong Gui-hua, Peng Chang-sheng, Jia  Yong-gang, Cao Yang, Removal of nitratefrom water by ion exchange resin,  Industrial Water & Wastewater, 2008, 39(4):  73-76.

      11. PengChangsheng, Liu Ping, Chen Youyuan, Situation and  measurements for seawaterintrusion in China, China Science and Technology  Achievements, 2007, 6: 18-20.

      12. PengChangsheng, Meng Hong, Gu Qingbao, Xu Yuqing, Song  Cunyi, The Choice ofTechnological Process and  Chemical Medicine for the Disposal of Mixed ElectroplatingWastewater by Chemical  Method, Technologyof Water Treatment, 2003,  29(6):363-366.

      13. PengChangsheng, Gu Qingbao, Meng Hong, Lu Shouci,  Choice of TechnologicalProcess and Chemical  Medicine for the Disposal of Mixed ElectroplatingWastewater by Chemical Method,  J. Uni. Sci. Techn. Beijing, 2006, 13(1):92-96.

      14. MengHong, Peng Changsheng,  Lu Shouci, Song Cunyi, Concentration polarizationand water decomposition of  electrodialysis, MembraneScience and Technology, 2003,  23(1): 7-11.

      15. PengChangsheng, Meng Hong, Lu Shouci, Permselectivity Mechanism of Ion ExchangeMembranes,  J.Uni. Sci. Techn. Beijing, 2002,  24(6):656-660.

      16. Peng Changsheng, Lu Shouci, Xu Yuqing, Song Cunyi, Secondary pollution  caused bydisposal of electroplating effluent, Electroplating&  Finishing, 2002, 21(2):  40-43.

      17. Meng Hong, Peng Chang-sheng,  XiaoJu-qiang, Song Cun-yi, Study on Remova of Phosphide from Wastewater  byActivated Zeolite, MultipurposeUtilization of Mineral Resources,  2001, (4): 10-14.

      18. Peng Changsheng, Meng Hong, Song Cunyi, Research onPerformances of Activated Zeolite in  Deep-treatment Technology ofSlightlypolluted Water,Non-Metallic  Mines, 2001, 24(3):48-49.

      19. Peng Changsheng, Meng Hong, Zhang Weihe, Zhang Leina, Song Cunyi,  Chemical Treatment forElectroplating Wastewater of Datong Gear Factory under  Alkalescent Condition, Environmental Engineering,  2001,19(6): 24-26.

      20. PengChangsheng,  Meng Hong, Zhang Jinglai,Wang Li, Song Cunyi, Disposal of mixed electroplating  effluent by chemicalmethod under alkaline conditions, Electroplating&  Finishing, 2001, 20(4): 51-54.

      21. Peng Changsheng, Meng Hong, Zhu Fenmei, An Experiment Study on Slime  Water Closed usingAir Flotation, Clean Coal  Technology,2001, 7(1): 14-18.

      22. Peng Changsheng, Environmental Pollution and Control thereof in Coal  Mining Processingand Utilizing, Coal, 2000,  9:15-17.

      23. Peng Changsheng, Wang Chenyi, Dewater efficiency of flotation coal  product under thecondition of different doses and operating parameters, Coal  Science and Technology, 1998, 26 (9): 29-31.

      24. Peng Changsheng, Cai Zhang, Separating principle and parameter selection  for flotationcolumn, Journal of Heilongjiang MiningInstitute,  1998, 10: 14-16.

      25. Peng Changsheng, Cai Zhang, Comparison test of column and conventional  flotation forcoal slime and study on optimum separation size range of slime,  Clean Coal Technology, 1997, 3:34-36.

      26. Peng Changsheng, Wang Chenyi, Parameter selecting during the process of  separatingsmall-grained coal by flotation pillar,Jiangsu Coal,  1997, 3: 14-15.

      27. Peng Changsheng, Fan Yuping, Principle and design for separation fine  coal by flotationcolumn, Jiangsu Coal, 1995,  3:7-8.

      28. Peng Changsheng, Investigation into purification of coal-series Kaoline,  Multipurpose Utilization of Mining Resources,1995, 2:  18-20.


  1. Ahmed Abou-Shady, Huizhen Xu,  Changsheng Peng*, Production of purewater suitable for  laboratory experiments by electrodialysis technology, The 5th International  Conference onBioinformatics and Biomedical Engineerin, May 10-12,  2011, Wuhan China.

  2. Jingjing Bi, Changsheng  Peng*, Huizhen Xu, Treatment of Nitrate-contaminatedgroundwater using  the Technology of intermittently Ion-exchange andElectro-regeneration, The  2011International Conference on BioengineeringChemistry and Environment Science  BCES 2011), 24-26 June 2011, Nanjing,  China.

  3. ChangshengPeng*, Panpan Li, Jingjing Bi, Qingbao Gu, Heavy  Metals Recovery fromElectroplating Sludge by the Multi-Steps of Leaching,  Electrodepositing andPrecipitating, The 2011 International Conferenceon  BioengineeringChemistry and Environment Science  BCES 2011), 24-26 June 2011, Nanjing,  China.

  4. P Li, C Peng*, F Li,  2008,Study on the Treatment of Electroplating Sludge with  Electro Technology, The 12th Asian PacificConfederation of  Chemical Engineering Congress, Dalian, China.

  5. Y Liu, C Peng*, Z Wang,  2008,Recovery of Copper and Recycle of Water for the  Cu2+ ContainedWastewater Using the Combined Technique of Electrolysis  and Electrodialysis, The 12th Asian PacificConfederation of  Chemical Engineering Congress, Dalian, China.

  6. C.S.Peng, S.X. Song and J.L.  Wang,2005, “Determination of HydrationFilm Formed on  Solid Surface by Using Atomic Force  Microscopy”,China International Conference onNanoscience  & Technology (ChinaNANO2005), Beijing, 5P-93-165

  7. S Liu , Q Gu, C Peng,  FashengLi, 2005, “Contribution of detergent phosphorus in  domestic wastewater of typicalcities in China”, 2005 SWCSAnnual  Conference,Soil and Water  ConservationSociety.

  8. Peng C, Song S,  2004.“Ash  removal from fine coals by columnflotation”, Memoria  deXIIEncuentro Sobre Procesamiento deMinerales, M.  Zapata, J. Zapata (Eds.), Universidad Autónoma de San LuisPotosí

  9. C Peng, S Lu, SSong, H Meng, 2003.  “A NovalChemical Precipitation Process for Mixed-Electroplating Wastewater  Treatment.The 7th International Symposium on East  Asian Resources Recycling Technology,Earth2003, Taiwan.


PengChangsheng, Song Shaoxian, Gu Qingbao,  2007, Scanning Probe Microscopy Principles and  Applications,Beijing: ChemicalIndustry Press.  (in Chinese)


Seawaterdesalination and  utilization

Heavymetals removal (or recovery) from water  (or soil)

Estimationand prevention of Coastal zone  pollution

Effectof water Chemical environment on soil  and plants