









2003.07-2005.11      中国海洋大学        讲  师

2005.12-2010.11      中国海洋大学        副教授

2010.12-至今      中国海洋大学        教  授


1993.09-1997.07       兰州铁道学院        给水排水工程专业        本科生

1997.09-2000.07       兰州铁道学院       市政工程专业           硕士研究生

2000.09-2003.07        中国科学院生态环境研究中心    环境工程专业    博士研究生






  1. 国家自然科学基金项目“抗生素对海水养殖废水生物处理系统脱氮性能的影响及其降解机制研究”(51178437)2012.01-2015.12,主持。

  2. 国家自然科学基金项目“硫自养与电化学氢自养协同去除饮用水中高氯酸盐机理与工艺”(21077096)2011.01-2013.12,主持。

  3. 国家自然科学基金项目“醌类图谱分析污泥堆肥微生物的种群结构及其评价腐熟度的研究”(20507016)2006.01-2008.12,主持。

  4. 教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划项目“离子交换膜生物反应器净化饮用水中阴离子微污染物的研究”(NCET-07-0780)2008.01-2010.12,主持。

  5. 山东省自然科学基金项目“呼吸醌指纹作为生物学指标评价畜禽粪便堆肥腐熟度的研究”  (Y2006B33)2007-2009,主持。

  6. 山东优秀中青年科学家科研奖励基金“离子交换膜厌氧生物反应器净化饮用水中阴离子微污染物的研究”(2007BS08021)2007-2009,主持。




1. Zichao Wang,Mengchun  Gao*, You Zhang, Zonglian She, Yun Ren, Zhe  Wang, Congcong Zhao, Perchlorate reduction by hydrogen autotrophic bacteria in a  bioelectrochemical reactor.Journal of Environmental Management, 2014,  142: 10-16.

2.Zichao Wang,Mengchun  Gao*,Sen Wang, Yanjun  Xin, Dong Ma, Zhe Wang, Qingbo Chang, Yun Ren. Effect of hexavalent chromium on extracellular  polymeric substances of granular sludge from an aerobic granular sequencing  batch reactor.Chemical Engineering Journal. 2014, 251:  165-174.

3. Dong Ma, Yanjun Xin,Mengchun  Gao*, Juan Wu, Fabrication and photocatalytic properties of  cationic and anionic S-doped TiO2 nanofibers by  electrospinning.Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2014, 147:  49-57.

4. Yanjun  Xin*,Mengchun Gao*,  Yicheng Wang, Dong Ma, Photoelectrocatalytic degradation of 4-nonylphenol in  water with WO3/TiO2 nanotube array  photoelectrodes.Chemical Engineering Journal, 2014, 242:  162-169.

5. Zichao Wang,Mengchun  Gao*, Yanjun Xin, Dong Ma, Zonglian She, Zhe Wang, Changqing  Sun, Yun Ren, Effect of C/N ratio on extracellular polymeric substances of  activated sludge from an anoxic-aerobic sequencing batch reactor treating saline  wastewater. Enviromental Technology, 2014, 35 (22):  2821-2828.

6. Zichao Wang,Mengchun  Gao*, Zhe Wang, Zonglian She, Qingbo Chang, Changqing Sun,  Jian Zhang, Yun Ren, Ning Yang, Effect of salinity on extracelluar polymeric  substances of activated sludge from an anoxic-aerobic sequencing batch  reactor.Chemosphere, 2013, 93 (11): 2789-2795.

7. Zichao Wang,Mengchun  Gao*, Zhe Wang, Zonglian She, Bo Hu, Yuejing Wang, and  Congcong Zhao, Comparision of physicochemical parameters during the  forced-aeration composting of sewage sludge and maize straw at different initial  C/N ratios.Journal of the Air and waste Management Association, 2013,  63 (10): 1130-1136.

8. Mengchun  Gao*,Bing Li, An Yu, Fangyuan Liang, Lijuan  Yang, Yanxia Sun,The effect of aeration rate on forced-aeration  composting  of chicken manure and sawdust.Bioresource Technology,  2010, 101 (6): 1899-1903.

9. Mengchun  Gao*,Fangyuan Liang, An Yu, Bing Li, Lijuan  Yang,Evaluation of stability and maturity during forced-aeration  composting of chicken manure and sawdust at different C/N  ratios.Chemospere, 2010, 78 (5):  614-619.

10. Mengchun  Gao*,  Zonglian She, Chunji Jin,Performance evaluation of a mesophilic (37 °C) upflow  anaerobic sludge blanket reactor in treating distiller's grains  wastewater.Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2007, 141 (3):  808-813.

11.Zonglian She,Mengchun  Gao, Chunji Jin, Youyuan Chen, Jianwei Yu, Toxicity and biodegradation  of 2, 4-dinitrophenol and 3-nitrophenol in anaerobic systems.Process  Biochemistry, 40 (9): 3017-3024.

12. Mengchun Gao, Min Yang, Hongyan Li, Qingxiang Yang,  Yu Zhang,Comparison between  a submerged membrane bioreactor and a conventional activated sludge system on  treating ammonia-bearing inorganic wastewater.Journal of Biotechnology,  2004, 108 (3): 265-269.

13. Mengchun Gao, Min Yang, Hongyan Li, Yanming Wang,  Feng Pan, Nitrification and sludge characteristics in a submerged membrane  bioreactor on synthetic inorganic wastewater.Desalination, 170 (2):  177-185.

14. Mengchun Gao, Min Yang, Jianying Hu, Bing Shao,  Haifeng Zhang, Hongyan Li, identification of ubiquionones and menaquinones in  activated sludge by liquidchromatography-atmospheric pressure chemical  ionization mass spectrometry.Journal of Chromatography A, 1007 (1-2):  31-37.

15. Mengchun  Gao*, Hongjun Liu, Min Yang,Jianying Hu, Bing  Shao. Indirect identification of isoprenoid quinones in Escherichia coli by  LC-MS with atmospheric pressure chemical ionization in negative  mode.Journal of Basic Microbiology,2004, 44 (6):  424-429.

16. Zonglian  She, Xilai Zheng, Bairen Yang, Chunji Jin,Mengchun Gao,Granule  development and performance in sucrose fed anaerobic baffled  reactors,Journal of Biotechnology, 2006, 122:  198-208.

17. Yanming  Wang, Min Yang, Yu Zhang,Mengchun Gao, Jing Zhang, Biological  removal of methanol from process condensate for the purpose of  reclamation,Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2004, 16 (3):  22-27.

18.  Yanming Wang, Min Yang, Jing Zhang, Yu Zhang,Mengchun Gao,  Improvement of biodegradability of oil field drilling wastewater using  ozone,Ozone: Science and Engineering, 2004, 26: 1-7.

19.  Hongyan Li, Min Yang, Yu Zhang, Xinchun Liu,Mengchun Gao,  Yoichi Kamagata, Comparison of nitrification  performance and microbial community between submerged membrane bioreactor and  conventional activated sludge system.Water science and  technology, 2005, 51 (6-7):193-200.