
GeoShanghai is a series of international conferences on geotechnical engineering held in Shanghai every four years. The conference was inaugurated in 2006 and was successfully held in 2010 and 2014, with more than 1200 participants in total. Since the last conference, the geotechnical communities have witnessed many advances both in fundamental understandings and engineering practices. To show the latest developments and promote collaborations in geotechnical engineering and related areas, the organizers of the GeoShanghai International Conference would like to invite you to participate in the 4th GeoShanghai International Conference to be held in Shanghai in May 2018.

Shanghai is a unique cosmopolitan city where traditional Chinese culture has been blended seamlessly into those from all over the world. The geotechnical and underground engineering in Shanghai iscurrently under rapid development (e.g. the deep excavation of more than 80m for a drainage tunnel). The organizers look forward to welcoming you to Shanghai and hope you to witness this big event with us together.

A hotel constructed in a deep rock pit, Shanghai

The Disney land in Shanghai