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  1. 侯跃,刘涛,黄永亮. 基于热力耦合数值模拟的膨胀土深基坑变形特性研究. 工程地质学报, 2016, 24(S2), 832-840.

  2. 李博闻, 单红仙, 张少同, 文明征, 贾永刚. 波浪与潮流对潮滩悬沙含量贡献的现场观测. 海洋地质与第四纪地质, 2016, 36(3), 183-190.

  3. 刘姣, 单红仙, 王伟宏, 张少同, 刘晓磊, 贾永刚. 海洋盐度场对细粒沉积物临界剪应力影响. 海洋地质与第四纪地质, 2016, 36(5), 35-41.

  4. 刘涛, 崔逢, 张美鑫. 波浪作用下液化粉土流动特性拖球试验研究. 海洋学报, 2016, 38(3), 123-130.

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  2. Guo Y, Guo L, Sun M, Zhao Y, Gao M, She Z. Effects of hydraulic retention time (HRT) on denitrification using waste activated sludge thermal hydrolysis liquid and acidogenic liquid as carbon sources. Bioresource Technology,2017, 224,147-156.

  3. Ma B, Wang S, Li Z, Gao M, Li S, Guo L, She Z, Zhao Y, Zheng D, Jin C, Wang X, Gao F. Magnetic Fe3O4 nanoparticles induced effects on performance and microbial community of activated sludge from a sequencing batch reactor under long-term exposure. Bioresource Technology, 2017, 225, 377-385.

  4. Sun J, Guo L, Li Q, Zhao Y, Gao M, She Z, Jin C. Three-dimensional fluorescence excitation-emission matrix (EEM) spectroscopy with regional integration analysis for assessing waste sludge hydrolysis at different pretreated temperatures. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2016, 23(23), 24061-24067.

  5. Sun J, Sun M, Guo L, Zhao Y, Gao M, She Z. The effects of denitrification with sludge alkaline fermentation liquid and thermal hydrolysis liquid as carbon sources. RSC Advances, 2016, 6, 72333-72341.

  6. Wang S, Gao M, Li Z, She Z, Wu J, Zheng D, Guo L, Yangguo Zhao, Feng Gao, Xuejiao Wang. Performance evaluation, microbial enzymatic activity and microbial community of a sequencing batch reactor under long-term exposure to cerium dioxide nanoparticles. Bioresource Technology, 2016, 220, 262-270.

  7. Wang S, Gao M, She Z, Zheng D, Jin C, Guo L, Zhao Y, Li Z, Wang X. Long-term effects of ZnO nanoparticles on nitrogen and phosphorus removal, microbial activity and microbial community of a sequencing batch reactor. Bioresource Technology, 2016, 216, 428-436.

  8. Wang S, Li Z, Gao M, She Z, Guo L, Zheng D, Zhao Y, Ma B, Gao F, Wang X. Long-term effects of nickel oxide nanoparticles on performance, microbial enzymatic activity, and microbial community of a sequencing batch reactor. Chemosphere, 2017, 169, 387-395.

  9. Wang S, Li Z, Gao M, She Z, Ma B, Guo L, Zheng D, Zhao Y, Jin C, Wang X, Gao F. Long-term effects of cupric oxide nanoparticles (CuO NPs) on the performance, microbial community and enzymatic activity of activated sludge in a sequencing batch reactor. Journal of Environmental Management, 2017, 187, 330-339.

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  11. Xu G, Liu Z, Sun Y, Wang X. Experimental characterization of storm liquefaction deposits sequences. Marine Geology, 2016, 382, 191-199.

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  13. Yang S, Li L, Xiao T, Zhang Y, Zheng D. Promoting effect of ammonia modification on activated carbon catalyzed peroxymonosulfate oxidation. Separation and Purification Technology, 2016, 160, 81-88.

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  16. Zhao Y, Guo L, She Z, Gao M, Guo L. Effect of gradual-increasing aeration mode in an aerobic tank on nutrients’ removal and functional microbial communities. Environmental Technology, 2016, DOI:10.1080/09593330.2016.1272636.

  17. Zhao Y, Zheng Y, Tian W, Bai J, Feng G, Guo L, Gao M. Enrichment and immobilization of sulfide removal microbiota applied for environmental biological remediation of aquaculture area. Environmental Pollution, 2016, 214, 307-313.

  18. Zheng D, Chang Q, Li Z, Gao M, She Z, Wang X, Guo L, Zhao Y, Jin C, Gao F. Performance and microbial community of a sequencing batch biofilm reactor treating synthetic mariculture wastewater under long-term exposure to norfloxacin. Bioresource Technology, 2016, 222, 139-147..

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  1. 董冰冰,陈友嫒,惠红霞,陆维佳,杨秀卿,刘逸凡. 黑麦草和牵牛花对铬耐受能力和积累效果的指标表征研究.环境科学, 2016, 37(10), 4044-4053.


  1. 李倩倩,郭亮, 赵阳国,佘宗莲,高孟春,柳苗苗. 热处理温度对污泥水解效果的影响及其三维荧光光谱(EEM)特征. 中国海洋大学学报, 2016,46(9), 102-106.

  2. 刘贯群,王婷,黄修东,周书玉,徐栋,岳彩东. 大沽河拦河闸坝影响下平原区地下水资源评价.中国海洋大学学报, 2016, 46(12), 087-095.

  3. 刘贯群,周书玉,黄修东,黄修东,王婷,徐栋,岳彩东. 多种方法识别青岛大沽河平原区地下水硝酸盐污染来源. 环境科学学报, 2017, 37(1), 347-356. .

  4. 郑宇, 王晓琼, 赵阳国, 冯巩, 申志聪. 包埋法固定化对硫氧化微生物菌群结构和功能的影响. 微生物学报,2016, 56(9), 1504-1512.



  1. Jia Y, Zhu C, Liu L, Wang D. Marine geohazards: review and future perspective. Acta Geologica Sinica (English Edition), 2016, 90(4), 1455-1470.

  2. Liu X, Jia Y, Zheng J, Wen M, Shan H. An experimental investigation of wave-induced sediment responses in a natural silty seabed: New insights into seabed stratification. Sedimentology,2017, 64, 508-529.

  3. Zhang S, Jia Y, Wen M, Wang Z, Zhang Y, Zhu C, Li B, Liu X. Vertical migration of fine-grained sediments from interior to surface of seabed driven by seepage flows–‘sub-bottom sediment pump action’. Journal of Ocean University of China, 2017(16), 15-24.


  1. Liu X, Zheng J, Liu B, Jia Y, Sun L. Laboratory measurements of acoustic properties for marine fluid-mud deposits. 2016 IEEE/OES China Ocean Acoustics (COA), 2016, pp. 1-5.

  2. 刘红军,王荃迪,潘晨晨. 海上风电伞式吸力锚基础承载性能研究. 水利学报, 2016, 47(10), 1339-1344.

  3. 田壮才,郭秀军,乔路正. 南海北部海底沉积物临界起动流速空间分布特征分析. 岩石力学与工程学报, (2016), 2-4287-08.


  1. 张少同,贾永刚,郭磊,刘晓磊,,文明征,单红仙. 黄河口埕岛海域悬浮沉积物沉降规律原位观测. 海洋地质与第四纪地质,2016, 36(3), 171-181.

  2. 刘红军,王荃迪,唐慧玲. 海上风电伞式吸力锚基础结构优化设计及承载优势分析. 中国海洋大学学报, 2016, 45(9), 96-101.

  3. 张红, 贾永刚, 刘晓磊, 张少同, 朱超祁, 单红仙. 黄土迁移入海过程中工程性质的变化研究. 工程地质学报, 2016, 24(5), 941-950.